Pic of the Day: Truth

This photo was taken with a Mamiya RB67 Pro S , using a Mamiya Sekor C 180mm F4.5 lens with natural lighting.  It was shot using Ilford 400 speed Delta black and white film.

More than 7 months ago, I was lucky enough to have a good enough friend who loaned me his Leica M4.  After shooting with that camera for a very short time, I went onto the, "Tips From The Top Floor's" forum (which no longer exists in that format) and posted a simple inquiry.  At the time I was looking into the possibility of trying to buy a film camera.  I knew buying a Leica M4 wasn't in the cards for me.  So I started researching the Canon AE-1, as a possible film camera.  In the AE-1, I found some qualities which appealed to me.  They were weight, form, availabliity of lens, availablity of repair facilities and straight up coolness factor. :)

My post to the forum, was simple enough.  It was something like this:


I am considering getting into film.  My friend loaned me his Leica M4.  I know I can't afford that.  Can you please give me your input on a Canon AE-1.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


What occured next was an absolute miricle.  A woman named Ruth, from the forum contacted me via private message.  She offered me one of her husband's cameras.  Appareantly he had a boat load.  All I needed to do was to send her the money to ship it to me.  I basically got (I know bad grammer) a free film camera for free.  But that wasn't the end of my excellent surprise.  Ruth had sent me 3 lenses, camera batteries, a boatload of filters, manuals, and a great camera bag.  HOLY CRAP RUTH!

Unfortunately, I had a very quick change of employment.  I had her send it to my job.  A friend delivered it to me after weeks of it being there.  The forum closed down and I lost Ruth's information.

After several months, Ruth contacted me.  (I can't say how) I was sooooo happy and I owe her so much.  Ruth you are my Angel.  I owe you big time.  

Several months later with the film bug firmly dug into me; I made the leap to a medium format camera.  I purchased a Mamiya RB67 Pro S kit.  It came with with the Mamiya Sekor C 180mm Lens, a 110 film back and the standard Mamiya Focusing Hood with built in magnifier.

I purchased a Sekonic Zoom Master L - 508 , Light Meeter to help me properly meter my photos.  This photo is a result of using the Sekonic Meter with the Mamiya RB67.

The point of all this is that I've been taking a lot of photos every day.  Unfortunately for most of my viewers, I've focused on film more than digital.  As a result I had tons and tons of rolls of film.  I've developed most of them.  And this photo is one of them.  In addition, most of the photos I've taken were of people, which I do not have rights to present on my site.  Obviously this is one of the photos of people.  However it too difficult to the average person to identify who the person is.

The reason why I call this photo "Truth" is because when I look at it I can see directly into the soul of ther person.  You see everything about this person.  And trust me... it's very truthful.

If you would like to learn more about shooting with film, and would like to accompany me on one of my expiditions, send me an email.  I'll get back to you as soon as I can, or will respond via a post on the site.